Tag Archives: high school

Progress Not Perfection!

Progress Not Perfection!

With finals around the corner, I hope everyone is staying calm, cool & collected!! I’m going into the finals frenzy with this quote in mind! Progress is important but getting a 100 is a little unrealistic (and we all know it). So keep calm, cool, and strive for great…but don’t torture yourself over anything less than great (after all it’s just one test)!

Because I went to a All Girls Catholic High School


High School.

“It was the best of times and it was the worst of times”–literally. I loved high school & it could have been because I went to an amazingly supportive all girls high school. My best friend from high school is still my best friend today; while also dating my boyfriend’s identical twin brother.

Here is Kelly (my BFF) & Ryan (Matt's brother)
Here is Kelly (my BFF) & Ryan (Matt’s brother)
Here is Matt & I

Yup…its a long story. Yet high school was such a fun time. The work was hard but not killer, the teachers were strict but still sympathetic & my high school had more school spirit than my college has (it’s really sad).

Anyways here were some of the perks that came with going to an all girls high school in CT:

ImageDances weren’t just a dance; they were more of a mini-Oscar afar. My pink Sherri Hill Dress was fully embroidered out & is still one of my favorite dresses I have ever worn ( I was only 15 there too).


Back to the days when hoop earnings & bandanas were in ( & I swear they were in style back in 2009)! Our school went to Mohegan Sun for a basketball game! How cool is that.


Last but not least we got to get down & nerdy in these super fashionable school uniforms. Trust me ladies no one who has a uniform dresses up their uniforms, like in Gossip Girl. Also you always feel a little awkward going out after school; as everyone tries to guess which private school you go to because of your unique attire ( also there are like 100 of these babies in CT).

PS: Imagine going to school in that skirt….in the middle of winter. Enough said on that note.

I am living vicarious through all you high schoolers as my week of college midterms begins.

Stay Confident & Enjoy Every Moment,


Fall OOTD :)

Hey Guys,
I can’t believe September is finally coming to an end; like really, that went by way to fast! But as we approach September’s final last week; it is time to pull out those fall clothes. I decided to show you guys a typical fall outlet that is easy for any girl, in college or high school, to throw on and run out the door. Of course if your anything like me you are literally running out the door because you are late! Don’t worry ladies all you need are these few staple items to throw together a casual and warm fall look.

Here we go:


I am sporting a lovely Ralph Lauren Polo T-shirt.

Over that I threw on a blue bottom down shirt I bought from the B.P section of Nordstrom.

The jeans are super comfy ( of course) and the perfect shade of denim to show some contrast between the shirt ends and the pants I am wearing. I also received those lovely jeans from the B.P section of Nordstrom.

Last but never least I am wearing some Rainbows Sandals (thick banded) to make the look casual; I am living in California after all.

 I also grabbed my staple camel toned purse that I got 5 years ago from Nordstrom.

I tried to look really cute for you guys and curled the bottom of my hair ❤

As you guys will find out Autumn is my all-time favorite season!!! ❤ So expect to see a lot of Fall themed blog posts coming up! I would love to hear any ideas you have for some Seasonal Posts so leave ideas in the comment section below 🙂 ❤

Stay Confident + Trendy,


Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any brands I listed above! I just find their clothes super cute and would recommend them to any friend 🙂