Tag Archives: organization

June Bugging!


okay I know it has been June for a few days now, but it has been crazzzzy (to say the least). So I’m breaking it all down for you now: June 1st was my 20th birthday (weird I’m 20 now, ik), & starting June 15th my blog is getting a fab make-over by Blog-Doo (so excited to work with these ladies)!.


Sooooo between being twenty & getting a crazy exciting blog facelift; I am literally basking in my June glory (but bugging out a bit, at the same time)!

How is there so much to do, within one month! Between sending out Thank You Cards from my bday contributors, to starting a new job at Anthropologie…JUNE HAS BEEN CRAZY!



Yet no matter what, June is always my favorite month of the year. While some may say that’s due to my birthday (kicking the month off right); I personally have just been bitten by the love-bug, when it comes to June.

But c’mon who doesn’t love June!

Everyone is finishing school, the flowers & trees are in prime beautification & it’s not to hot outside (basically perfect weather = 80 degrees). I hope you guys are keeping cool & enjoying your June days, just as much as me!

I’ll keep you all super up-to date on the exciting blog makeup over. It will hopefully be completed & put into full usage, by the end of July! So until then, stay tuned for exiting changes (ahhh)!


Stay Confident,
